Board game Moneymaker

Board game: Moneymaker,© Author HR Deml 2010 (modified 2022),

the absolute game for hobbyists.

Exciting, interesting and very entertaining family or board game for 3 to 6 players. Both game boards can be bought in my print shops and are also available as a free download. With a little patience while you put it together, you will get a game like the one shown above.

Required accessories (click image above) available for free download for PC printing.

Goal of the game: To accumulate the most EuDo value in the form of shares and EuDo through tactical buying, selling and trading skills and thus become the moneymaker of the game.

Game accessories: Together - Moneymaker playing field (square or rectangular, texts in German and English, rectangular shape also available as Prime Download) 80 share packages (= 80 share certificates), 144 EuDo banknotes, 10 order cards, 1 dice.

Each player - 1 game cone in a different color and 2x500,000 + 3x100,000 + 3x50,000 + 5x10,000 EuDo.

Bank - the rest of the EuDo banknotes and each type of share package (sorted on the playing field). The bank and share management can be managed by a fellow player or a neutral person.

Rules of the game:

1. A player starts first on the starting square in the direction of the arrow.

2. For the "daily share price of" fields, there are purchase order numbers when rolling the dice. If the numbers 2, 3, 4 and 5 are rolled, a player can buy as many share packages of 1000 shares each of the types of shares shown in the field at the stated price (x1000), sell them or not use them ("say pass"). The numbers 1 and 6 are purchase order numbers. If the player rolls one of these two numbers, he must buy at least 1 share package of a type of share shown in the field at the stated price (without being able to sell his shares). Both order numbers only apply to the "daily share price of" fields.

3. If a player lands on the red "stock exchange tax" field after rolling the dice, the amount of 10,000 or 20,000 EuDo per share package that he owns must be paid to the bank immediately.

4. If a player lands on the "Dividend Payment" field, he will immediately receive the amount of 10,000 or 20,000 EuDo per 1000 shares from the bank for each of his share packages.

5. If a player lands on the purple "Stock Market Crash" field, he must immediately sell all of his share packages to the bank, either against bids from other players or at 50% of the worst daily price for the respective share package. Odd amounts are devalued.

6. If a player lands on the purple "Stock Crash" space, he must immediately sell all of his stock packages of the stock types shown to the bank at the indicated price or return them to the bank at 0.

7. If a player lands on the dark blue "Broker of the Year" field, he will receive 300,000 EuDo from the bank.

8. If a player lands on the green "Cloverleaf/Start" field during the game, he receives 10,000 EuDo from each other player (except the bank) as a birthday gift.

9. If a player lands on the beige field "take an order card", the player must take the top card of the order cards and carry out the order immediately. The order cards must be shuffled before the game begins and laid out with the writing side facing down.

10. When it is a player's turn to roll, he can, before rolling the dice, conduct a private purchase or sale of shares with other players. The bank is not allowed to conduct private transactions.

11. Payment is only made with EuDo. With the exception of point 2/buy order numbers, a player can sell shares to the bank at the lowest daily price at any time. If the bank can no longer pay or sell shares, the game is over. If a player can no longer pay, he is broke and the player is eliminated from the game. The game ends when the third-to-last player is eliminated or after a time limit. Our suggestion: set a time limit on your alarm clock at the start of the game (e.g. 2 hours). If no end situation occurs before then, the game is over as soon as the alarm clock starts to ring.

12. The moneymaker of the game is the person who has accumulated the highest EuDo value (EuDos and shares) when the game is abandoned or at the end. All players should carry out the actions and settlement processes between the players

Supervise in a controlling manner. Helpful support for the players (player or bank) from the other players promotes the flow of the game. If you do not yet know the rules of this game, we recommend printing out this page.

Instructions for the download accessory:

Depending on the number of players and level of play, print out the image file Banknotes-EuDo 3-13 times and the image file Stocks 1-5 times on your PC printer on 80 g/m² paper (normal printer paper).

Cut the accessories exactly along the white dividing lines using guillotine shears or long scissors. The banknotes, shares and anti-stress cards can easily be cut along the white dividing lines using long scissors with a straight cut.

The number of players depends on the size of the playing field of your poster game.

Rule for the playing field size: 1 player for every 10 cm of playing field length. For some games you will also need a dice and game cones (eg from Halma). We hope you have fun and enjoy playing.

Please recommend!

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