Strategy game PUNISHMENT (Football Strategy)

PUNISHMENT - Strategy game for 2 players, © Author HR Deml 2005 - revised 2023

STRAFU (Strategy Football) is a very demanding strategy game that both chess players and football players enjoy. Evenly matched opponents will fight a long and hard battle to reach the winning goal. Nothing is better than a man-to-man fight. Fans of strategy games appreciate the variety of moves with 11 game pieces or checkers with stickers per player and a ball. The game is well suited for tournaments. Football fans can really let off steam in terms of football tactics in this game. By making long passes across the entire field and over other game pieces, you are able to develop proper football tactics and then use strategic moves to score goals.

Game accessories: STRAFU playing field, print out 11 playing pieces from the accessories for each player or 11 red and 11 blue playing pieces and 5 white or black playing pieces for each player as a ball and goal counter and 1 dice.

Rules of the game:

1. Kick-off: The ball and the team kicking off for the first half are drawn first and placed on the team's token at the face-off spot. At the start of the game, at the face-off and after a goal or penalty, the ball must be moved alone. The ball is always on a player when at rest.

2. Team formation: Each player can choose his team formation according to his tactics. The 5 fields in the goal may only be occupied by one player figure as goalkeeper. There may only be a maximum of 4 defender figures on the 7 line fields in front of the goal, otherwise there will be an 11 m penalty kick. The game only starts when both players say a clearly audible "OK".

3. Movement options: a.) The team in possession of the ball can move 1 to 4 spaces in a straight line in all directions.

b.) The team without the ball can only move 1 square in any direction. Players from both teams are considered a fixed obstacle and cannot be jumped over or thrown by another player.

c.) A goalkeeper from each team can move 1-4 spaces.

4. Passing the ball: The ball can be passed in any direction, straight across your own and opposing players, to an uncovered player. Passing the ball is a play.

5. Change of team rally: If a player from the defending team lands on a field directly adjacent to the player in possession of the ball on his next move, the ball goes to that player. This player then has the next move. Another change of rally occurs when a free kick is taken.

6. Shot on goal: a) A shot on goal is possible if a player with the ball has a free direct (also diagonal) field line to a field in the opponent's goal that is uncovered by the goalkeeper on his next move.
b) If there is an attacking player in the opponent's penalty area who can direct the shot (even if it changes direction) as a shot on goal directly to an empty goal area. In this case, the rule for the ball change is waived. To cover this player, the adjacent area on the face-off line must be occupied by a player from the defending team.

c) If there is a clear line from a playing figure with the ball to another playing figure of his team and this playing figure also has another clear line to a playing figure of his team with a clear line to an uncovered goal area, then the player can move the ball to the uncovered goal area as a shot on goal. The rule for the rally is also waived in this case.

7. Foul in the 16m penalty area of the defense team: If a player of the attacking team is harassed by two defenders on directly adjacent fields (regardless of the formation) at the moment of receiving the ball, this is a foul and is always punished with an 11m penalty kick.

8. Execution of an 11 m: The fouled player positions himself with the ball at the penalty spot. All other players can be tactically positioned outside the penalty area so that when point 8a is reached, the game can continue. The player then rolls the dice and there are the following options:
a.) If he rolls a 6 or the goalkeeper is standing on the number of the field line rolled, he has saved the ball and in both cases there is a goal kick from a field of the goalkeeper's choice.
b.) If the ball goes into the goal, there is a kick-off.

9. The game ends depending on the league assignment at

Player 3rd league (beginner) if a player has scored 3 goals.

Player 2nd League (Advanced) if a player has scored 2 goals.

Player 1st League (Experts & Tournaments) if a player has scored 1 goal.

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