Strategy game Magicstar
Game Magicstar, Author © HR Deml 2018 (new variant of the game x-cross year 2000).
Exciting and challenging strategy battle game for 2-4 players. The star positions must be worked out through spatial thinking.
A star is an arrangement of 5 pieces with a center piece and 4 evenly spaced ray pieces, which can be formed either as a cross ( ) or X (with a center piece).
If a player is able to form a star, the player says "star" and removes one of his opponents' pieces from the board. This reduces the number of pieces his opponents have until they are eliminated from the game. If a player has fewer than 5 pieces, he is eliminated from the game and his remaining pieces are removed from the board.
Game accessories:
Magicstar can be played either on a 121 point playing field (playing field 30x30 cm 2-4 players, 40x40 cm 2- 6 players) or an 81 diamond playing field (2-4 players) with each player having 9 game cones in one color.
Rules of the game: (as free download gif image above)
1. First, the starting and player order is determined (e.g. by drawing lots).
2. The game begins by placing a piece on a free point on the playing field according to the strategy planning.
3. Once all players have placed their pieces, on each turn a player can move his piece horizontally, vertically or diagonally to another piece or edge of the board.
4. An opponent’s piece cannot be skipped.
5. When a star is closed, the player can remove one of his opponents' pieces (except closed stars).
6. After each move, the player changes clockwise
7. The winner is the last player to have more than 5 pieces on the board.
Fighting game Flash Star for only 2 players, played with 9 on 81 diamonds (Flash Star)
Show the world how good your spatial thinking skills are!
Fighting game Flash Star, author © HR Deml 2023 - new variant of the game Magicstar.
Flash Star is an exciting and challenging strategy game for 2 players on an 81 diamond board. More information about Flash Star
Game board as wood print 40x40 cm
Private information websites of label HRD-Designs by Hermann R. Deml, digital designer and game author of and
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