Family dice game Dibialo

Game: Dibialo (Dice Biathlon) - Game author and © HR Deml 2005
Interesting, exciting and fun family dice game based on the biathlon rules for 2-8 players. The aim of the game is to be the first to get your cone to the finish line after 2 rounds according to the game rules.

Game accessories:

Dibialo playing field, each player: 1 game cone in a different color and 1 dice.

Rules of the game:

1. Each player takes a game cone in a different color. The youngest player starts.

2. The game starts at the FINISH/START scoring point. The player moves from scoring point to scoring point according to the number of dice rolled.

3. Once a player has reached a shooting range, he remains at shooting range 1 and immediately begins shooting.

4. When shooting, the shooting range number must be rolled. Each player has three attempts to do this. The number of the range you are currently on must be rolled, or a 6 (meaning free choice). After rolling the dice three times, the player moves to the next target at the shooting range.

5. If a shooting range number was not rolled, this means a penalty lap in the penalty lap circle for each range number not shot at the end of the last shooting after shooting range 5. Each penalty lap begins and ends at the red scoring point. All 5 shooting ranges must be rolled one after the other.

6. After each dice roll and turn, the player changes (except when shooting).

7. The winner is the player who is the first to reach the FINISH/START field with his cone after 2 rounds.

Videos as game rules aid

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